Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chameleon Gallery Happening

"Happening" on Friday the 21st July, doors open at 7p.m.

Max Burrows Film-"3" showing at 7.30pm
Motorcyclestunts on at 8p.m.(
Routine business on at 9p.m. (
VJ Chromatouch to round off the night,all are welcome.
Featured artists include Ben Mcphee(phtography),Carp(Graffitti artist/Painter/Graphic designer),Rob Randel(Sculptor),Jo cound (photography),Funso Mayawa(Nigerian painter)

Chamelon Gallery ,23-25 Sandwell Street,Walsall,WS1 3DR

The night is basically a review and preview of shows happening at the gallery,it is intended to raise funds!(RAFFLED BEVERAGES AVAILABLE) and awareness of the diverse talent available locally.Also for people to meet and talk about projects they are working on or want to get off the ground and for all to have a relaxing chilled atmosphere,in which to talk and engage with each other in fruitfull conversations.Please come expecting all and nothing,it is what you make of it!

Highlights include local young filmaker Max Burrows showing an animated short film called 3,featuring animated scenes.Two accoustic type bands ,Routine Busines and Motorcyclestunts (visit their respective websites-see above)and VJ Chromatouch from Birmingham(He plays at the boiler room in Birmingham,is part of projectX,and collaborates with various artists exhibiting at the haddon tower project and at the mailbox in many shows)
Rob Randel showing his metal sculptures and some anti-capitalist images from Carp,who the gallery is representing with a show in Birmingham Central Library in September.(see and search for previous shows to view Carps previous work.The work on show here will be his latest endeavours).lImited edition prints and fantastic screen printed t-shirts also available.

Hope to see you there!
Alan Cheeseman
Chameleon Gallery
23-25 Sandwell Street
01922 646724 directions available here!


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