Wednesday, November 29, 2006

BrainCell Christmas Party

The BrainCell Christmas Party is here!
December 2nd, 6pm onwards, at the Lillie Langtree room in the Lamp Tavern, Barford Street, Digbeth, Birmingham.
Please see the attached invite and map for further details...
Don't forget to vote for the Artist of the Year on if you haven't done so already - voting ends tomorrow...!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Last chance to vote...

Voting for The BrainCell Artist of the Year closes on Thursday, so if you haven't voted for your favourite work yet, please log on to and follow the link from there...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

BrainCell Christmas Party!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Public apology...

I recently had an email from the artists Rart and Sete ( about the following apology they have made... It is so amusing I thought I had better share it here...

The email they sent me read:
"Further to our press release for our exhibition in aid of Breast Cancer charity Breakthrough
at: The Art House North St Westbourne, Nr Emsworth, Hants.

We would like to make a public apology to Tony "chippy" mccorry.

To see the apology in full please folow the link below

Do visit their site, but in the meantime, this is what it says:

As you will see it's not very charitable but does deserve special attention. Our response is below the original mail.

----- Original Message -----

From: "chippy mccorry"

To: "Rart and Sete"

Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 12:24 PM

Subject: you pair of wankers

hi I met you two a few years ago at a private view in colchester and you were very rude to me. On that particular occasion I was unable to react in the appropriate manner due to the location and company around. However now I know how to locate you I am pretty sure we will catch and I can make amends for the missed opportunity.





Hi Tony,

Thank you for your recent mail.

The only Exhibition we have ever been to in Colchester was our own very first gig, a Solo in Trinity Studios.Unfortunatley we had succumbed to our hosts bounteous generosity, and subsequently over imbibed, on the beverage front. Due to alcohol induced malaise and memory loss, we have absolutley no recolection of either you or the insult.

As this was nearly 11 years ago we feel we must have offended you greatly, for you to bear a grudge for this extrodinary length of time. If you could please see your way to enlightening us on how we caused such grave offence, we would be indebted to you, as we would like to use it to insult somebody else.

We do apologise for blighting your existance for the past 11 years


Rart and Sete.


As this was our first ever exhibition Tony must have been the first artist we ever insulted which makes this very special to us.

If there are any other artists we may have insulted, in a drunken stupor, we would love to hear from you.

Also if anyone knows what c/wood and bcfc means please let us know.

Chameleon Gallery markets...

The Annual Xmas Designer/Maker Art Market weekends at Chameleon Gallery are soon upon us - see details below.
There will be something to suit all tastes and pockets!
Free entry and tea and coffee!